If you’ve ever been to a chiropractor for a tailbone or coccyx problem, you probably learned that there is no easy way to treat this pain. Tufting and popping (that’s what they call it) of your tailbone is a challenge because the structure of this bone is unique.

Some experts claim that the coccyx is formed from three tailbones that fuse during development. Whatever the reason for its shape and size, treatment can be painful and slow, even with treatment methods.

However, looking for the best chiropractor in San Diego to treat tailbone pain is no easy feat. What are the best options out there? Is there a difference between different styles? And what do you do if you’ve been in an auto accident and need treatment?

What is Tailbone Pain?

Tailbone pain is a common condition that causes intense, sharp pain in the lower back area.

The tailbone or coccyx is a small bone at the bottom of your spine. This bone can become injured from trauma or repetitive stress, such as sitting on hard surfaces for long periods.

Tailbone pain may also be caused by coccydynia, inflammation of the tailbone. Inflammation of the tailbone may be caused by injury or trauma to the area, sitting for long periods, or infection. In some cases, there is no known cause for tailbone pain.

5 Causes of Tailbone Pain

An injury can cause tailbone pain to the tailbone, a condition that affects the tailbone, or a problem in another part of the body that may cause pain to radiate into the tailbone area.
Here are five causes of tailbone pain:

1. Injury to the Tailbone
Tailbone injuries are often due to falls or other trauma. A fall onto your buttocks can injure your coccyx (tailbone), especially if you land on it directly with no padding between you and the ground.
The bone may crack or break, causing pain and bruising. You may even need surgery to repair a broken bone in your tailbone.

2. Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc (PIVD)
A PIVD occurs when one or more intervertebral discs slip out of place and bulge out through a tear in an outer layer of cartilage surrounding them, called an annulus fibrosis.

This bulging disc may press on nerves running through your spine on either side of the vertebrae where they’re located, causing pain that radiates down into your buttock or down into your leg, depending on which nerve(s) are affected.

3. Obstetric Trauma
Childbirth is one of the most common causes of tailbone pain. The pressure on the tailbone during childbirth can result in a fracture or dislocation of the vertebrae. This type of injury is usually temporary, but it can take months or years before it heals completely.

4. Hip Problems
An injury can also cause tailbone pain to your hip joints, such as a hip fracture, dislocation, or instability. A fractured hip joint may be associated with other injuries to the pelvis, such as tears in ligaments or muscle injuries.

5. Pregnancy
During pregnancy, the ligaments in your pelvis stretch out and become loose, which can cause tailbone pain. This happens when you’re carrying low — near the end of your pregnancy — because of the baby’s weight pulling down your lower back and pelvis.

Your doctor will recommend exercises to help strengthen these muscles before you give birth to support your growing belly more efficiently during labor and delivery.

5 Ways Treat Tailbone Pain with Gonstead Chiropractor in San Diego

Several factors can cause tailbone pain, but it is often the result of tight muscles and ligaments in your back. Unfortunately, tailbone pain can make it difficult to sit comfortably and get work done. Fortunately, there are many ways to treat this condition with the best chiropractor in San Diego.

1. Manual Adjustments
One of the most common ways to treat tailbone pain is manual adjustments. A San Diego chiropractic care will use their hands to adjust your spinal column to align it properly.

This process may involve gentle pressure or even a quick pop that helps relieve tension in your lower back and pelvis.

2. Kinesio Taping
Kinesio taping is another excellent way to treat tailbone pain without drugs or surgery. A Kinesio tape is a thin strip of fabric that has been pre-stretched into an athletic support bandage.

It can be applied directly over your tailbone area for added support, which can ease pressure and increase blood flow to the site — both of which help relieve discomfort caused by sitting for long periods of standing on one foot for extended periods (like when you’re driving).

3. Application of Heat/Ice Packs
Heat and ice packs can reduce inflammation and swelling in the tissues around your tailbone area. The heat helps loosen tight muscles, while ice helps reduce swelling.

Applying heat or ice packs should be done as soon as possible after noticing any tailbone pain symptoms. The best chiropractor in San Diego may recommend using one or both types of containers, depending on your specific situation and needs.

4. Exercise Recommendations and Stretches
Exercise is one of the best ways to reduce tailbone pain because it increases blood flow and circulation around the area, promoting healing and reducing inflammation.

Your doctor may recommend specific exercises to help relieve your symptoms and stretches that will keep muscle tension at bay while you’re healing from an injury or strain.

5. Dietary and Nutritional Recommendations
A Gonstead Chiropractor in San Diego will look at your diet, nutrition, and lifestyle when determining how to treat your tailbone pain.

They will discuss eating habits such as what foods should be avoided, what types of food should be eaten more often, and any dietary supplements that might help treat your tailbone pain.

Nutritional recommendations may include a combination of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that help promote healing through the body.

Dr. Zach Beatty, DC
Gonstead Family Chiropractic Location:
7822 convoy court San Diego CA 92111 Phone Number: 858-997-8203

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